Thursday, October 6, 2011


Sweet "P" is 6 months! That's scary - it seems like only a couple of weeks ago when we did her 3 month session. Where has the time gone? It's already a week into October, and Christmas is just around the corner! Anyway, when I chatted with Sweet "P"s mommy to book her 6 month session, I told her to try and wait for Sweet "P" to sit up unassisted, so we waited, and in the short amount of time between booking and the day of the session, Sweet "P" was crawling - so we ended up chasing her all over the place! It's amazing how fast babies grow, and change, and learn, and reach new milestones - I think that's a big part of the reason why I love what I do so much - I get to capture that, and I never know what to expect or plan for :)

Triad Baby Photographers in Winston Salem - Fantasy Photography, LLC
Baby Photographers in Winston Salem & Triad - Fantasy Photography
Triad Baby Photography by Fantasy Photography in Winston Salem

Baby Photographers in Winston Salem and the Triad - Fantasy Photography, LLC

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